
In the presence of ambassadors from the region, as well as the general directors of all awarded companies, on 16th June in Continental Beograd hotel were presented regional awards Business partner during a gala dinner.

Winners of the award Regional Business Partner 2010 are: bulgarian company Prista Oil, Veropoulos Bros from Greece, NLB Group from Slovenia, Railway transport from Montenegro, Business system Vindija from Croatia, Aleksandria from Bosna and Herzegovina, hungarian company Richter Gedeon Group, Jadran Gottino Foods from Macedonia, Iron Trust from Cyprus and Doming-Romstal Group from Romania.

Award Business Partner Plus 2010 won Telekom Srbija company for highest level of social responsibility and care for local community. Business Partner Extra 2010 is World Bank for special contribution to the stabilization of the business climate and development of the business cooperation in the region. NIS is the Business Partner Special 2010 for the successful introduction and implementation of international standards in corporate management. Award Eco Business Partner 2010 received public company Srbijašume for demonstrating exceptional environmental awareness and concern about environmental protection. Economic faculty of Subotica is the recipient of Edu Business Partner 2010 award for exceptional contribution in education and improvement of knowledge and management skills in the region.

Awards Business Partner 2010 were also presented to the best companies from Serbia which operate in various industries. Among the laureates were these companies: Srbijagas, Zavod za udžbenike (publishing), Službeni glasnik (publishing), Wiener Stadtische insurance, Zlatiborac (food), Hyundai car, Tehnomania (technical equipment), Agrobanka (bank), Jugohemija (chemicals).

Special award Best Partner 2010, whose winner was selected by secret voting of this years laureates, won Napred, construction company.

In Media Business Partner 2010 category the winners are Radio television of Serbia, daily news Blic, Ekonom:east Media Group and magazine Profit.

Business Partner award was established by Mass Media International company sixteen years ago, in an effort to promote best companies and institutions. The specificity of this award is the fact that the companies themselves choose and evaluate their business partners that meet certain criteria. The award has a regional character and is intended for companies from the South-Eastern Europe countries that have shown the best results in the past year.

P.R.A. agency is the authorized agency for public relations of the regional Business Partner 2010 award.
