
In Public Relations Business School in Belgrade the enrollment of the 41st generation of PR managers has started.

Start of the lectures is scheduled for 23rd of October 2010, and candidates who can apply need to have knowledge and experience in the public relations field, journalism, marketing or propaganda, or sense for that type of work (communicability, strategic way of thinking, creativity) and fast learning.

Number of attendees is limited. In every generation, Public Relations Business School enrolls 30 attendees, but there is always a larger number of interested parties. Selection of candidates is performed on the basis of test and interview. Afterwards, the ones who pass the entrance test and fulfill the criteria can enroll in Public Relations Business School. Specifics of this School is that attendees grade lecturers on three bases: usefulness of subject, quality and teaching dynamics.

In the last eighteen years, Public Relations Business School has educated more than 1800 attendees, which today lead businesses in public relations, marketing and specific PR fields in the most important domestic and foreign organizations. It’s interesting that former School attendees: Milica Delević, director of the Office for European Integration and professor on Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Bojan Pajtić, president of the Executive Council of Vojvodina, Gordana Čomić, vice-president of the Assembly of Serbia, including current professors of Public Relations on Universities Singidunum (Ljiljana Boljanović), Megatrend (Vesna Baltazarević), Faculty of Organizational Sciences (Vesna Andrejević), large number of directors of domestic and foreign public relations agencies.

Today besides Public Relations Business School, there are a larger number of educational programs which are organized by faculties and agencies in Serbia. Public Relations Business School is proud that most of the lecturers in London School of Public Relations, lecturers in courses of Pragma agencies, specializations on faculties in Serbia and foreign countries, gathered their knowledge in Public Relations Business School.
