
Team of the employees in the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Serbia ended a two-day PR seminar at the Public Relations Business School and its Communication Training Centre.

“Public Relations improve understanding, mutual trust and cooperation with the media and the local community” was the title of the seminar, which included lectures and workshops from different fields. These fields were: Public Affairs, Government Relations, International organization communication activities, Public performances and Media appearances, Speeches, Media relations activities and tools, Media events planning, Press Relations, Writing skills, Press Release writing, Media statements, Public speaking skills, etc.

On a scale of 1 to 5, attendants have evaluated the level of their satisfaction with the seminar with a grade of 4.8, while the quality of the program, participation of the attendants, organization and both lecturers were evaluated with maximum grade – 5. Prof Vujović, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board of Public Relations Business School, according to the participants feedbacks, received high grade because of his professionalism, sistematic approach, and especially ”flexibility and an ear for the needs of the attendants”. Nebojša Ćurčić, longtime journalist and editor, won the attendants over with his great experience, lots of practical examples and anecdotes, directness and vigor.


