Campaign of the Public Communal Company „Parking servis” „Đaci vas mole, usporite pored škole” is continued in elementary schools in Belgrade suburb municipalities.
Because of immense reception which this campaign had among children and adults, and also because of interest of parents and teachers from Belgrade suburb municipalities, during the second half-year of current school year, youngsters from these municipalities will receive their fluorescent vests, booklets, colour books, stickers and DVD movies about traffic rules.
During the school’s visit, first graders will be educated in a humorous way the most important rules of behaviour in traffic, and this interesting and interactive program will now have a chance to be seen by youngsters from elementary schools in Grocka, Obrenovac, Barajevo, Lazarevac, Surčin, Mladenovac and Sopot. First school where the program will be performed is elementary school „Ilija Garašanin” in Grocka.
This campaign is intended for first graders, their parents, teachers, and especially drivers, with an aim of them taking care of new traffic participants.
During the first part of campaign, representatives of Public Communal Company „Parking servis” have visited 105 elementary schools and 10 schools for children with special needs with this educational and fun program. The program consists of everything students need to know about traffic and their participation in it. Every Belgrade student received a gift which includes fluorescent vest, adapted for children in its size and design.
Campaign of Public Communal Company „Parking servis” with support from Belgrade City Assembly, City Secretariat for education, City Secretariat for traffic, and Belgrade Traffic police will last until all first graders in Belgrade receive their vests.