Today, on Tuesday of 8th of October, in Belgrade Chamber of Commerce congress hall president of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Milan Janković, and members of Management board of Public Relations Business School, professor dr Predrag Vujović, dr Tijana Mandić and Milorad Jović, with presence of other professors of this well-established School, presented the attendees of the 38th generation of Public Relations Business School with diplomas and certificates.

After two semesters of education in Public Relations Business School, diplomas and certificates of Business school for PR were presented to PRs of Galeb Group from Šabac, VIP mobile, Stylos, ICM Electronics, Alpod Flooring from Novi Sad, Marfin bank, Simex, Trimo inženjering, STC Zlatibor, Ministry of Finance of Serbia, Republic Institute for Sports, Mathematical faculty, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Institute for multidisciplinary researches, ensemble Kolo, journalists and PRs of few public relations agencies.

In front of you is a great liability, said president of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Milan Janković, with your work you will justify these diplomas of our first Public Relations Business School. Among former School’s attendees are ministers, directors, owners of PR agencies, editors in chief, and public personalities. We expect from you to follow in their footsteps. Belgrade Chamber of Commerce is open for collaboration. Recently Media center of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce was opened. Belgrade economy needs knowledge and skills from public relations field and it’s up to you to show them how public relations are done.

Following Public Relations Business School curriculum, personnel from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, F.Y.R. Macedonia, but also from Romania, Ukraine and Turkey are now educated. Public Relations Business School gave her „know how” to other educational organizations and in countries which are not in our region. It’s interesting that former School’s attendees are now lecturers on Megatrend University, Singidunum University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in Public Relations London School, Pragma agency, and on many various PR courses, which are getting more and more popular in Serbia.

Public Relations Business School in Belgrade has been educating for 17 years experts for public relations.  Until now, according to internationally acclaimed standards of International Public Relations Association, more than 1800 people received knowledge from public relations.

On 17th October, lectures for new 40th generation of Public Relations Business School will begin. More information can be found on website
