medijska pismenost

Seventh Radio days in RAB Serbia (Bureau for radio advertising) oganization were held on Zlatibor from 13th to 15th April and had gathered more than 200 participants.

Among participants were owners, directors, editors, hosts, sound designers of radio stations and consultants in radio industry field from Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosna and Herzegovina and Macedonia.

During Radio days there was talk about preparation of the morning program, ways of sales improving, organization of efficient and fiscal responsible radio, organization of promotions and presentations, radio production and organization of social responsible actions. There were also debates about the future of the radio in Serbia, about new media laws, problems of radio industry and author’s rights fees.

Lecturers and participants in the debates were Lajoš Boroš, Robert Brndušić Deduš, Slađana Vasiljević, Srđan Merković, Steve Silby, Suzana Mančić, Predrag Vujović, Miloš Rajković, Maja Raković, Emir Povlakić i drugi. Among the lecturers were two former Public Relations Business School participants – Gordana Predić, state secretary in Ministry of Culture and Information, and Nikola Kovačević, executive director of Naxi radio.
